Jesus wants our participation
Jesus wants participation
"There are people who bury Christ in their hearts. They tell me: 'I may not come to church on Sunday, Father, but Christ is always in my heart.' They don't participate in the liturgy. They don't receive Communion.
They don't support the work of Christ through His Church. They seldom pray and yet - they tell me - Christ is in my heart. He is ! That's where they keep Him dead and buried.
We bury Him in our sins, our indifference, our churches, in our icons, in our Creed, in our Bible, in our Sacraments, in our hearts. And if we have buried God, is there any wonder that we are such an anxious and worried people today?
So roll the stone away from the tomb and let Christ step out of church, our Creed etc into our lives and see what happens as a result.
See what power He brings! What Joy ! What forgiveness! What peace! What love! Christ is Truly Risen !
Evangelos Loupis
Happy New Ecclesiastical Year
Church New Year Sept 14/1
TODAY, let each of us make a firm intention to re-study and re-commit ourselves to all Orthodox traditions and beliefs that have been preserved in the "Deposit of Faith" from the time of the Apostles... the One True Faith that Martyrs died for!
Regardless of how difficult it may be, let us gladly be called "fools for Christ" for the sake of the Kingdom and for the edification of those we serve.
Our years are but a short time on the earth. Yes, in a "twinkling of an eye" we can be called home.
My dear brother, you must be ready to defend, promote & love Christ's Holy Church...truly "ORTHODOX in Faith" and "CATHOLIC in Communion!" Love it and defend it with your whole heart! Let us start this New Church year with a deeper commitment to Christ and His Holy Orthodox Church and strive to become more like Christ each day, putting off the old and putting on the New (Jesus Christ) putting on Holiness and Righteousness and putting away all passions and vices. Amen
On this Holy Indiction Day, I pray most earnestly for each of you, as I remembered you in today's Holy & Divine Liturgy.
Asking and imploring Almighty God to richly bless you, your immediate families, your Clergy, your ministries and all those you serve....