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Visitation Ministry

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Our Visitation Ministry takes us to multiple and different locations throughout the Phoenix Area.  We visit senior centers and Veterans Administration Hospitals where we minister to everyone through prayers, singing, special Church services, and one-on-one discussions.  We also bring personal gifts to leave with our friends. Our gifts are simple yet are from the heart.

If you, or your organization, would like us to do visitation, please 

Music Ministry

"We should offer up doxologies to God with fear and a contrite heart, in order that they may be accepted like fragrant incense." -                                                                                                            Saint John Chrysostom

"Those who chant should offer their psalmodies with great care to God, Who looks into the hidden recesses of the heart, i.e., into the psalmody and prayer that are done mentally in the heart rather than uttered in external cries."-

              Canon LXXV of the Sixth Ecumenical Synod

"Psalmody, bringing about choral singing, a bond, as it were, toward unity, and joining people into a harmonious union of one choir, produces also the greatest of blessings: love." 

                      Saint Basil the Great, Exegetic Homily 1

The Lord has gifted Bishop Gregory with the gift of writing hymns and songs and setting them to his own music.  Bishop Gregory uses his gift of music to bring joy to the people he visits and he sings his songs to lift up their spirits and bring them to the state of worshiping God, sometimes even with tears of joy in their eyes.

Bishop Gregory has recorded many of his songs on CDs that are available for purchase. To place an order please 


To Listen to a sample of Bishop Gregory's hymns 

I am your Bridegroom - Bishop Gregory Menke
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Copyright (c) 2018

My Soul Magnifies The Lord - Bishop Gregory
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Copyright (c) 2019

Praise Him No Matter What May Be - Bishop Gregory
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Copyright (c) 2018

Strength of Eagle WingsBishop Gregory
00:00 / 03:52

Copyright (c) 2017

My Soul Magnifies the LordBishop Gregory
00:00 / 02:40

Prayer Ministry

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Prayer is doxology, praise, thanksgiving, confession, supplication and intercession to God. "When I prayed I was new," wrote a great theologian of Christian antiquity, "but when I stopped praying I became old." Prayer is the way to renewal and spiritual life. Prayer is aliveness to God. Prayer is strength, refreshment, and joy. Through the grace of God and our disciplined efforts prayer lifts us up from our isolation to a conscious, loving communion with God in which everything is experienced in a new light. Prayer becomes a personal dialogue with God, a spiritual breathing of the soul, a foretaste of the bliss of God's kingdom.

Our Skete is a praying one.  We are an extension of God's love for His people.  As such, we are continually praying for different people at all times of day and night.  We receive prayers requests from throughout the United States by direct appeal, by letters, and by email.

If you, or your organization, would like us to pray for you, please 

Outreach Ministry

Oh, brother, man, fold to thy heart thy brother;
Where pity dwells, the peace of God is there.
To worship rightly is to love each other,
Each smile a hymn, each kindly deed a prayer.

The Skete of the Holy Theotokos strives to fulfill the words of our Lord written by St. Matthew who wrote in the Gospel, “Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven” (St. Matthew 5:16). To that end, we find sage direction in the words of St. Tikhon who said in his farewell address to his people in America as he prepared to return to Russia:

The Light of Orthodoxy is not lit for a small circle of people. . .it is our obligation to share our spiritual treasures, our truth, our light, and our joy with those who do not have these gifts. This duty lies not only on pastors and missionaries, but also on lay people, for the Church of Christ, in the wise comparison of St. Paul, is a body, and in the life of the body every member takes part.

We reach out to the homeless in our community and provide them with water, food, clothing and small funds.  We also reach out to those in prison through written letters, support materials such as books and pamphlets.  

If you, or your organization, would like us to reach out to someone you know in prison or is homeless, please 


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